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Российский финансовый рынок 2008
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In the Federal District, Rostov-on-Don begins competition of student works announced by UniCredit Bank...

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JaguarLand Rover announces the launch of new programs and JaguarFinance LandRoverFinance...

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Conference "Financial literacy of young people. Invest in yourself "will be held in Kazan on February 17-18, with the participation of the Institute of Financial Planning...

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In the Federal District, Rostov-on-Don begins competition of student works announced by UniCredit Bank

On 1 February this year began student competition papers declared UniCredit Bank. The contest studenty2-5 full-time and part-time courses of the Faculty of Economics departments of Southern Federal University, who prepared the article, studies on banking topics specific to the region.

The contest will end in April 2010, when the jury will take stock and determine the 3 finalists. Each of the 3 finalists will receive from UniCredit Bank's certificate in the amount of 30,000 rubles. The remaining members of the second and final rounds will receive 1500 rubles each award.

According to the head RRCs "South" branch manager of UniCredit Bank in Rostov-on-Don, Larissa Lutsenko: "UniCredit Bank holds competitions of student work in higher education institutions in Russia for many years. In the Rostov branch of the program is also being implemented for years. For us it is important to support promising young economists, because they will be in a few years to develop banking in the region »

Already in 2004 the Bank pays the scholarships, implementing programs, the meaning of which is to hold contests like this one. PROGRAMS finnansovaya provided support not only for students but also of the high schools. In many cities of Russia successfully running scholarship program of UniCredit Bank. Here are just some of them, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Samara and Stavropol.

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