MIFF - Moscow International Financial Forum MIFF - Moscow International Financial Forum
Российский финансовый рынок 2008
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In the Federal District, Rostov-on-Don begins competition of student works announced by UniCredit Bank...

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JaguarLand Rover announces the launch of new programs and JaguarFinance LandRoverFinance...

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Conference "Financial literacy of young people. Invest in yourself "will be held in Kazan on February 17-18, with the participation of the Institute of Financial Planning...

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дезинсекция насекомых в квартире.

Установка монтаж охранной сигнализации.



AHML priorities for the next 10 years

Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending/AHML/puts a priority for the next 10 years, the development of the domestic Russian market in mortgage-backed securities. This was announced today at the conference "Mortgage in Russia. Sustainable development and the outlook for" the general director Alexander AHML Semenyaka.
According to him, the agency will develop different types of securities, as well as expand the base of investors, attracting pension funds, insurance companies and goskorporatsii. In addition, the task of the agency to transfer work from a paper plane in the IT-system, "he said. He stressed that it is important to make AHML securities market "Russian." Here, in his view, the major role played by the mortgage crisis in the United States. He noted that access today to foreign markets are banks with state participation, as well as major banks federal scale. But that does not mean that medium and small banks suffer from liquidity problems, said Alexander Semenyaka. Source: www.iguru.ru

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