MIFF - Moscow International Financial Forum MIFF - Moscow International Financial Forum
Российский финансовый рынок 2008
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In the Federal District, Rostov-on-Don begins competition of student works announced by UniCredit Bank...

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JaguarLand Rover announces the launch of new programs and JaguarFinance LandRoverFinance...

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Conference "Financial literacy of young people. Invest in yourself "will be held in Kazan on February 17-18, with the participation of the Institute of Financial Planning...

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Continues to receive applications for participation in CREDITEXPO 2007

Dear Exhibitors KreditEKSPO.Biznes 2006!

Department financial IFA exhibition company thanks you for participating in the exhibition KreditEKSPO.Biznes 2006, and hopes that your work at the exhibition will be effective and fruitful.

We are pleased to inform you of special conditions of participation in the following spring exhibition CREDITEXPO 2007 (12-14 April, 2007, Expocentr Expocentr) proposed for participating companies KreditEKSPO.Biznes2006.

when booking space for a spring project your discount on a surface area of 10%.

Once again thank you thanks for working together this year and hope to see your brand on exposure CREDITEXPO 2007!

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