MIFF - Moscow International Financial Forum MIFF - Moscow International Financial Forum
Российский финансовый рынок 2008
 русская версия   english version 
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In the Federal District, Rostov-on-Don begins competition of student works announced by UniCredit Bank...

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JaguarLand Rover announces the launch of new programs and JaguarFinance LandRoverFinance...

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Conference "Financial literacy of young people. Invest in yourself "will be held in Kazan on February 17-18, with the participation of the Institute of Financial Planning...

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BCC moves to a new location!

Members of the BCC!
inform you that on 17 and 18 March 2005 receiving the President and the Executive Directorate BCC BCC moved to new premises at the address:
123995, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 13, p. 4.
ask you, on 21 March 2005 all email correspondence sent to a new address. From that day to work the following numbers of Executive Director:
Tel./fax: (095) 232-12-24, tel.: (095) 956-43-54.
Web site and e-mail addresses BCC and the Executive Directorate unchanged.

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