Alexander Koval gave an interview to Nezavisimaya Gazeta
The problems and prospects of development of the Russian insurance market "NY" says the All-Russian Union of Insurers President Alexander Koval.
- Alexander Pavlovich, how do you assess the results of 2004 for the insurance market of Russia? - The development of insurance market affected by many factors. First, the implementation of the Law "On compulsory insurance of liability of vehicle owners." The volume of premiums collected on avtograzhdanke, over the past year rose to 49.2 billion rubles. Secondly, increased oversight of insurance - Insurance Supervision Department was reorganized into the Federal Insurance Supervision Service (FSSN). Finally, 17 January 2004 entered into force amendments to the Law "On Organization of the insurance business." In accordance with certain paragraphs of the law of the companies took the division of specialization, as well as an increase in the authorized capital. As a result of measures taken by the insurance supervision, nearly 200 insurance companies have been revoked license. If a year ago we had 1408 companies, but now they, in the case of registered companies, 1280. The market consolidated and cleaned. It is cleared primarily by non-companies and kvazistrahovaniya. However, despite the reduction in the number of companies and operations kvazistrahovaniyu, the amount of insurance premiums over the past year increased by 9%. This means that the market is growing.
What do you think the main problem of the insurance market? - Insurance generally reflects the level of economic development. But even more it reflects the level of income. What is higher, the more people think about their future and trying to hedge. Initial phase, when the insurance companies have to gain the maximum portfolio, has already passed. Today, all the niches in the insurance field are employed. It is time to improve service and maintenance. This means that insurers need to change tactics - to think more about the client, to fight for his credibility. We have very low insurance culture population. Above this, too, must insurers. If you are going to impose the mandatory liability insurance of vehicle owners, we expect that avtograzhdanka become an engine for insurance education. And so it happened. Last year it acquired 26 million policyholders - 26 million people to communicate with insurers. We must honestly admit, it is not always this communication has been successful, especially when it comes to insurance payments.
Which direction
voluntary insurance do you consider most promising? - The most significant growth shows the voluntary medical insurance. If the general insurance market grew by 9%, the personal insurance, including medical insurance, increased by 27.3%. First, here leading Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities. A voluntary medical insurance is now actively developing and in the regions. And he has very good prospects. For different reasons. On the one hand, there are more and more people able to pay for good medical care. On the other hand, it seems to me - the quality of service in the public health sector, unfortunately, is becoming worse. Will be developed and property insurance. Today, we construct mass houses, cottages, built housing. It is understandable that people who have enough money to quality housing, and think about how to insure it against potential risks - whether it be fire, flood, or wrongful acts of third parties, that is banal theft. Growing and selling foreign car manufacturers. This part of car insurance policies in addition to becoming more and insurance - insurance theft and damage.
How do you assess the market prospects for the coming year? - Of course, the market will grow. I repeat, will grow with the economy, together with the well-being of the population. But this growth will be generally more even - perhaps, at 9-12% per year. However, another possible new outbreaks. We have not developed life insurance. This is very promising. For example, the multiple digits. The proportion of retirement savings and life insurance in the West in the amount of premiums collected rarely falls below 40%, and we have so far - 2-3%. Foreign analysts have predicted that the growth of the insurance sector can be very significant.
How do you assess the presence of foreign companies on the insurance market. Foreign insurers - allies or competitors? - To date we have around 45-47 companies with different share of foreign participation. In my opinion, foreign insurers had a serious competition for our companies will not, except for one segment - the life insurance. It is this sector of the market in the first place the interests of foreign companies. This is a complex type of insurance, and they are already great experience. As for the fear that foreign insurers will dislodge our, these fears are exaggerated. Moreover, for many companies, the presence of foreign insurers will even be useful. For example, for mid-level, regional, who are in need of investment for its development. These investments will require in the near future, when a second, then third stage prescribed by law increasing the authorized capital. Buying shares in such companies can only be welcomed. Do not forget that Western companies will bring to the Russian insurance market, new technologies, new insurance products, they will contribute to increased transparency and quality.
In the case of Russia's WTO accession, our insurance market will be open to foreign companies. Will our insurance competitive? - Our market is open to European companies. Amendments to the law early last year, helped the European insurance companies operate in Russia. I remember how painful to take these amendments, but it was around the settlement. However, one year, but no one new foreign company does not appear. Why? Our market is very difficult for them. For example, the German Union of Insurers, which the BCC is in constant contact, so far only gathers information, analyzes it, and as reported union leadership for this work will take at least a year. By the same law and the restrictions - the percentage of foreign companies in the aggregate authorized capital of insurance companies should not exceed 25%. Now the share is around 3-4%. Today, in light of the fact that the law requires us to raise equity capital of domestic firms, foreign insurers to open new perspectives. So there is no serious competition, and it is unlikely that she anticipated. We are concerned about only one thing: in Russia should not be opening branches of foreign companies - we should be open only to companies with legal personality. After all, a branch does not bear any responsibility. In the language of insurers, it's called cross-border insurance. We are against this and will fight for the preservation of such a restriction, ie, avoidance of cross-border insurance.
However, the experience of countries in Eastern Europe, which have already passed this way, said quite a different story ... - With regard to cross-border insurance, it is precisely there, in most cases, prohibited. Another point is that in some countries in Eastern Europe, the national insurance market is controlled by foreign capital. But we fear this is not worth it. We have a very different situation. They almost immediately opened the insurance to foreign capital. And we had the opportunity to develop their own market. Many domestic companies for 12-14 years. This is a good age to gain experience, gain stability. The majority of large Russian companies operating on the entire network of branches across the country. Foreigners will be very difficult to compete with them. We still have time to make the organizational structure the market to continue the process of consolidation of companies. I remember predictions two years ago - then was told that from 1400 companies in the market will remain 600-800. Maybe in a year or two and will happen. But it will be large, stable companies working within the law, enjoying the confidence of consumers of insurance services.